MTM : Manufacture Textile Méridionale

MTM Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting it. You deserve to easily understand what personal data we collect and use, as well as to be aware of your associated rights.

This Privacy Policy, also referred to as the “Policy,” outlines our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data collected on our digital platforms, in our workshops, or during our events.

We recommend that you carefully read this Privacy Policy as it contains important information about your personal data.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy.

Personal data refers to information about an identified or identifiable individual. This includes, for example, name, email, and address.

We may collect personal data directly from you (for example, when you meet us at a trade show) or indirectly (for example, from your electronic devices that interact with our websites, online forms, or mobile applications (the “Digital Platforms”)).

  1. Data You Provide Directly

You may provide us with data:

– When you create an online account, by phone, or in our workshops; – When you subscribe to our newsletter; – When you use our Digital Platforms; – When you participate in one of our events.

Depending on what you provide, the information may include:

– Your identity (including your first name, last name, image, nationality); – Your contact details (including your postal address, email, phone numbers); – Your personal status (including your title); – Some payment data (including billing information, type or method of payment); – Other information you may provide by filling out forms or contacting us (including your comments or other communications you send to us).

We will inform you when your information is required for processing your request, responding to your inquiries, or providing our products and services. Without this information, processing your request, responding to your questions, and providing products or services may be delayed or impossible.

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of your personal data at all times. We encourage you to update it if there are any changes. We may also ask you to periodically update your data.

We recommend providing only the data requested or necessary for your request, excluding sensitive data related to race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, and data concerning health, sexual life, or sexual orientation.

  1. Data Collected Indirectly

We may collect data when you use our Digital Platforms, such as your IP address or other browsing data, through cookies or similar technologies placed on your device. Some cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our Digital Platforms, while others are used for analysis to help us provide you with more personalized services and a better digital experience. For more information about cookies and how to modify your preferences, please read our [Cookies] page.

We may also collect information about you from third parties, for example, if a partner contacts us on your behalf or if your friends provide us with your contact details to invite you to events that might interest you. If you provide us with personal data about another person, you must ensure that you have the right to disclose this data to us and that, unless we take additional measures required by data protection laws, we may collect, use, and disclose this data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You must ensure that the individual concerned is informed of the matters covered in this Privacy Policy and has given the consents required by the policy regarding the processing of their personal data.

  1. Minimum Age

Please note that we do not collect, directly or indirectly, personal data from individuals under the age of 16, unless local law sets a different minimum age. Therefore, please do not provide personal data of individuals who do not meet this criterion.

Nous recueillons et utilisons vos données à caractère personnel en nous fondant sur une ou plusieurs des bases juridiques suivantes :

–    nous avons obtenu votre consentement préalable (par exemple lorsque vous vous abonnez à notre bulletin d’information). Veuillez noter qu’avec cette base juridique particulière, vous avez le droit de révoquer votre consentement à tout moment (voir ci-dessous « Quels sont vos droits sur vos données à caractère personnel ? ») ;

–    le traitement est nécessaire dans le cadre d’un contrat entre MTM et vous (par exemple lorsque vous effectuez une commande) ;

–    nous avons un intérêt légitime pour effectuer le traitement et cet intérêt légitime n’est pas éclipsé par vos intérêts, droits fondamentaux ou libertés (par exemple la prévention de la fraude aux moyens de paiement) ;

–    nous devons traiter vos données à caractère personnel afin de respecter les lois et la règlementation en vigueur.

Selon le contexte, nous pouvons utiliser vos données à caractère personnel pour :

–    vous fournir les produits ou services que vous avez demandés ;

–    effectuer des vérifications pour vous identifier et vérifier votre identité ;

–    vous envoyer des communications marketing, avec votre consentement préalable (voir la section « Communications marketing ») ;

–    vous fournir un service après-vente et gérer les remboursements ;

–    répondre à vos questions, suggestions et requêtes notamment vos demandes d’exercice de droits ;

–    gérer les réclamations et les contentieux ;

–    gérer les événements auxquels vous vous êtes inscrit et/ou auxquels vous avez participé ;

–    détecter, prévenir et lutter contre toute activité frauduleuse ou illégale, y compris pour protéger vos transactions de la fraude aux moyens de paiement, agir contre la contrefaçon et contre la revente de nos produits en violation de nos conditions générales et/ou de notre réseau de distribution ;

–    vous protéger, vous-même, les employés et les autres personnes dans nos locaux ainsi que notre propriété ;

–    surveiller et améliorer nos Plateformes numériques ;

–    effectuer des analyses statistiques, notamment pour adapter notre offre de produits et services ;

–    améliorer nos produits et services ;

–    respecter nos obligations légales, ce qui inclut de fournir des informations aux organismes de réglementation lorsque la loi l’exige, notamment pour respecter nos obligations légales en matière de prévention et de lutte contre la fraude, le blanchiment d’argent et le financement du terrorisme.

We collect and use your personal data based on one or more of the following legal bases:

Consent: We have obtained your prior consent (for example, when you subscribe to our newsletter). Please note that with this particular legal basis, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time (see below “What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?”).

Contractual Necessity: Processing is necessary for a contract between MTM and you (for example, when you place an order).

Legitimate Interest: We have a legitimate interest in processing, and this legitimate interest is not overridden by your interests, rights, or freedoms (for example, preventing payment fraud).

Legal Obligation: We need to process your personal data to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Depending on the context, we may use your personal data to:

– Provide the products or services you have requested;

– Perform verifications to identify and authenticate you;

– Send you marketing communications, with your prior consent (see “Marketing Communications”);

– Provide after-sales service and manage refunds;

– Respond to your questions, suggestions, and requests, including your rights requests;

– Handle complaints and disputes;

– Manage events you have registered for and/or participated in;

– Detect, prevent, and combat any fraudulent or illegal activities, including protecting your transactions from payment fraud, addressing counterfeiting, and preventing the resale of our products in violation of our terms and conditions and/or distribution network;

– Protect yourself, our employees, and other individuals in our premises, as well as our property;

– Monitor and improve our Digital Platforms;

– Perform statistical analyses, including to tailor our product and service offerings;

– Enhance our products and services;

– Fulfill our legal obligations, including providing information to regulatory bodies when required by law, notably to comply with our legal obligations regarding the prevention and combatting of fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing.

With your express prior consent (typically obtained by ticking a specific box on a form), you may receive information about offers, services, products, or events sent by MTM.

We rely on your consent to process the personal data you provide for this purpose. Therefore, if you no longer wish to receive such information, you can withdraw your consent at any time (see below “What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?”).

We may ask you to confirm or update your marketing preferences if you request additional products and/or services from us in the future, or if there are changes in the law, regulations, or the structure of our business.


Vos données à caractère personnel sont traitées pendant la période nécessaire pour les finalités pour lesquelles elles ont été recueillies, pour se conformer aux obligations légales et réglementaires et pour la durée de toute période nécessaire à l’établissement, l’exercice ou la défense de droits légaux.

Afin de déterminer les durées de conservation les plus appropriées pour vos données à caractère personnel, nous avons spécifiquement pris en compte la quantité, la nature et la sensibilité de vos données à caractère personnel, les raisons pour lesquelles nous avons recueilli vos données à caractère personnel, le service que vous méritez et attendez de nous ainsi que les exigences légales applicables. Par exemple :

–  En ce qui concerne nos prospects (clients potentiels) : vos données sont conservées pendant trois ans à compter de votre dernière action, puis supprimées ou archivées afin de respecter les obligations légales de conservation ;

–  En ce qui concerne nos clients : vos données sont conservées pendant toute la durée de notre relation commerciale et jusqu’à dix ans, puis supprimées ou archivées afin de respecter les obligations légales de conservation ;

–  En ce qui concerne les cookies utilisés sur les Plateformes numériques : ils sont stockés jusqu’à 13 mois à partir du moment où ils ont été installés sur votre appareil.

We may disclose your personal data only to the parties listed below and for the following reasons:

  • Internal Disclosure: We disclose your personal data to MTM employees who need access to your personal data and are authorized to process it for the aforementioned purposes. These employees are committed to maintaining confidentiality.
  • Fraud Prevention: In the context of combating payment fraud, your personal data is shared to process your order and combat payment fraud attempts. As part of our legitimate interest in fighting payment fraud, MTM, as the data controller, may share your financial data with an external service provider using a fraud detection tool to authenticate a payment. This service provider is bound by confidentiality obligations.
  • Third-Party Service Providers: We may also need to share personal data with third parties acting on behalf of MTM and approved by us. All such processing is based on our prior instructions set out in a binding contract that complies with applicable legal requirements. These disclosures are made for various reasons, including:
  1. a) IT development and support;
  2. b) Hosting and conducting marketing and economic studies and campaigns;
  3. c) Verification of your information, payment authentication, and processing orders and payments through third parties providing credit reports, payment services, or order fulfillment services;
  4. d) Delivery services, etc.

These providers are committed to confidentiality and are not permitted to use your personal data for any other purpose. We also require them to implement appropriate security measures to protect your personal data.

  • Legal Requirements: We may be required by mandatory provisions of applicable laws or as part of a legal process or other legal requests to disclose your personal data to authorities or third parties.
  • Legal Defense: We may also disclose or process your personal data in accordance with applicable law to defend our legitimate interests (e.g., in civil or criminal proceedings). For example, we may disclose personal data if necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against an individual or entity that violates our Terms of Use or disrupts other users of our digital platforms or causes harm.
  • Business Transfer: In the event of an acquisition of MTM, or any or all of our assets, your personal data may be included in the transferred assets.

All your personal data is strictly confidential and will only be accessible when necessary, solely by MTM staff and independent service providers acting on our behalf, under appropriate technical and organizational security measures.

MTM has implemented security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access and use. We follow appropriate security procedures in the storage and disclosure of your personal data to prevent unauthorized access by third parties and to avoid accidental loss of your data. Access to your personal data is limited to those who need it for professional reasons. Individuals who access your data are bound by a confidentiality obligation to MTM.

We have also established procedures to handle any suspected data security breaches. We will notify you and any relevant supervisory authority in the event of a suspected data security breach when required by law.

We also require individuals to whom we transfer your personal data to adhere to these standards. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security of personal data transmitted to us over the Internet. Such transmission is at your own risk, and you acknowledge and accept that we disclaim any responsibility for unauthorized use, distribution, damage, or destruction of your data, except to the extent that the law requires us to assume such responsibility. Once we receive your personal data, we will apply the aforementioned security measures.

Under applicable data protection laws, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, and port your personal data, or to restrict or object to its processing. A summary of these rights is outlined below:

  • Right of Access: The right to receive a copy of your personal data.
  • Right to Rectification: The right to request correction of any inaccuracies in your data or to complete it.
  • Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten): The right to request the deletion of your personal data under certain circumstances.
  • Right to Restrict Processing: The right to request the limitation of processing your personal data in specific situations, for example, if you dispute the accuracy of the data.
  • Right to Data Portability: The right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and/or to transfer that data to a third party in certain situations.
  • Right to Object: The right to object:
    • At any time during the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes;
    • In other specific situations, to the continuation of processing based on our legitimate interests.

When the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing of your personal data based on other legal grounds, such as fulfilling your orders and retaining your order data in accordance with applicable law.

If you no longer wish to receive our advertising or promotional information, you can withdraw your consent for direct marketing at any time by using the unsubscribe link included in each marketing email we send you. Upon doing so, we will promptly update our databases and take all reasonable measures to address your request as quickly as possible, although we may continue to contact you as necessary regarding any products or services you have requested.

You also have the right to file a complaint with your local data protection authority if you believe that your data protection rights have been violated.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the details below (see “How to Contact Us”).

Please note that if you exercise any of the above rights, you will be asked to specify which right you wish to exercise and to provide certain identification information to process your request and protect you against fraudulent requests from third parties.

For Any Account-Related Questions, To Withdraw Your Consent, To Ask General Questions, or To File a Complaint, Please Contact Our General Switchboard:

By Phone: +33 (0) 5 59 06 02 03, Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

By Mail: 2 rue de l’Abbé Grégoire, ZAC Actitech, 64140 Billère, FRANCE

For Questions Specifically Regarding Advertising Emails: You can unsubscribe at any time directly using the “unsubscribe” link included in all advertising emails we have sent you.

This Privacy Policy reflects our current practices and may be modified and updated from time to time. When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we update the “Effective Date” at the top of this Privacy Policy to indicate when such changes have come into effect.

If we make substantial changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting a modification notice at the beginning of this Privacy Policy and on “”.